Upgrade your short game results!
Upgrade your short game results!
Limited Time Offer Expires on June 11th Midnight
Don't miss out!
When you miss a green, 
how often are you getting it up and down?

If your answer is less than 60% of the time,
you'll want to keep reading.
Limited Time Offer Expires on June 11th Midnight
Don't miss out!
When you miss a green, 
how often are you getting it up and down?

If your answer is less than 60% of the time,
you'll want to keep reading.
"These videos have given me a simple process to improve my short game and I would recommend this series to golfers of any skill level."
- Cory Arseneaux, 3 handicap
"These videos have given me a simple process to improve my short game and I would recommend this series to golfers of any skill level."
- Cory Arseneaux, 3 handicap
Is a video series designed to help you get up and down more often.

We've partnered with Brandon Stooksbury, world class short game expert and best selling author, to create an easy "how to" guide for your wedge game.
If you've hit one too many poor wedge shots...

flubbed pitches...

skulled chips...

shots left in the bunker...

or had a good round ruined by a short game that just isn't up to the level it should be...

it's time to make a decision.

Decide that enough is enough...

that you're ready to shoot lower scores...

that there is zero reason why you can't or shouldn't have a great short game.
Is a video series designed to help you get up and down more often.

We've partnered with Brandon Stooksbury, world class short game expert and best selling author, to create an easy "how to" guide for your wedge game.
If you've hit one too many poor wedge shots...

flubbed pitches...

skulled chips...

shots left in the bunker...

or had a good round ruined by a short game that just isn't up to the level it should be...

it's time to make a decision.

Decide that enough is enough...

that you're ready to shoot lower scores...

that there is zero reason why you can't or shouldn't have a great short game.
  • 24 HD Videos - you'll get instant access to all 24 HD videos in the Wedge Mastery video series.
  • The Shots - inside those 24 videos are the easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to perform the 4 necessary shots you'll need from inside 100 yards.
  • Follow Up - with the Wedge Mastery series, we're giving you access to our private FaceBook group were you'll be able to ask us questions, and get answers.
  • Score - missing greens is unavoidable.  Having the the 4 shots necessary to get your ball up and down more often IS going to lower your scores.
  • Drills - knowing what to do is one thing... being able to repeat it is MASTERY.  Brandon gives you drills to help you master your new stroke saving shots.
  • 24/7 Access - you will have access to your videos, from your private Lesson Locker, anytime you want them and from any device you want to watch from.
  • 24 HD Videos - you'll get instant access to all 24 HD videos in the Wedge Mastery video series.
  • The Shots - inside those 24 videos are the easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to perform the 4 necessary shots you'll need from inside 100 yards.
  • Follow Up - with the Wedge Mastery series, we're giving you access to our private FaceBook group were you'll be able to ask us questions, and get answers.
  • Score - missing greens is unavoidable.  Having the the 4 shots necessary to get your ball up and down more often IS going to lower your scores.
  • Drills - knowing what to do is one thing... being able to repeat it is MASTERY.  Brandon gives you drills to help you master your new stroke saving shots.
  • 24/7 Access - you will have access to your videos, from your private Lesson Locker, anytime you want them and from any device you want to watch from.
We Don't Want Your Money
Get the video series... try it for 30 days.

If for any reason you don't like it, or aren't seeing results...

let us know, and we'll gladly refund your money...


Hitting 300 yard drives is physically difficult to do.
Hitting a 30 yard pitch shot isn't.
Many golfers will never have the ability to send a drive 300 yards down the fairway...

but every golfer has the ability to knock it close from around the green.

The ideas and techniques used are often the reasons they don't.
Wedge Mastery will change that.
We Don't Want  Money GUARANTEE
Get the video series... try it for 30 days.

If for any reason you don't like it, or aren't seeing results...

let us know, and we'll gladly refund your money...

Hitting 300 yard drives is physically difficult to do.
Hitting a 30 yard pitch shot isn't.
Many golfers will never have the ability to send a drive 300 yards down the fairway...

but every golfer has the ability to knock it close from around the green.

The ideas and techniques used are often the reasons they don't.
Wedge Mastery will change that.
Athletic Motion Golf - 2016 - All Rights Reserved
Athletic Motion Golf - 2016 - All Rights Reserved
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